Data Visualisation & Analytics

Data Visualisation & Analytics

When you build dynamic websites, you will eventually collect data, and visualising analysing that data becomes a challenge in itself.

Most of my websites record data in MySQL, so I have lots of experience writing queries to aggregate data. Often those queries need optimising because you are generally aggregating lots of data.

Website analytics have also become huge in the last decade, so inevitably I have become well versed with using Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and Data Studio.

I have plenty of experience in building visualisation software. Through my role at SWGfL, I have built a framework for configuring reports in which you can specify charts and data sources, which uses Chart.js for visualisation. I also started a PHP project called uGraph to generate JavaScript free SVG charts. Currently it is not ready to be released, but I am hoping in the future to make it available.

Here are some of the projects I have build that have some reports/charts/data aggregation:
